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Bangkok Fishing Trip

Noticed that the internet cafe was also a travel agent. They had this poster on the wall for catching big fish.

Buengsamram Lake. 20 acres. Stocked with somewhere around 50,000 fish. Our target was the Mekong giant catfish. Anglers are guaranteed at least one fish over 30 pounds or you get half your money back. I lost count, but the total for the day was around 22 or 23 fish. Could be described as luxury fishing. A day later, my hand is still sore and swollen from gripping the fishing rod so hard.

Buengsamram Lake Info

Fish Thailand Webpage

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Life in Bangkok
Massage Class. Hostel. Mopeds..... and a few random shots.

There is a place called Suk 11
It is a slice of Bangkok heaven
So take a Tuk
To the Suk
Its just behind the seven eleven.
------- Anonymous Graffiti

Nothing too exciting in this one, pictures from massage class, the hostel, and around town. Bangkok was hunker down and rest time after Nepal.

Phussapa Massage School

Suk 11 Homepage Suk is a "long u"; so it is not pronounced 'suck'.